Dear Colleagues,

it is my pleasure to announce that the Max Planck Institute for Solid State 
Research in
Stuttgart and DESY in Hamburg (both in Germany) offer a PhD position within the 
scope of the RICIMER project.
Within the project the candidate will make structural investigations of bulk 
cement and synthetic
cement binder phases using pair distribution function (PDF) analysis and 
general X-ray powder
diffraction in the laboratory and at the synchrotron. Working place will be 
partially in Hamburg
and in Stuttgart.

Details about the positions can be found at

The position is a limited position and is paid according to the
public service pay agreement in Germany.

If you are interested in this position, please submit a short motivational 
letter and a short CV 
vie a e-mail to Prof. Dr. Robert Dinnebier ( and to Dr. 
Martin Etter
Or if you know a suitable/interested candidate, then please be so kind and 
share this information.

With kind regards from Hamburg,

Martin Etter

Dr. Martin Etter
Beamline Manager
Notkestr. 85, Bldg. 47c
22607 Hamburg, Germany
phone: +49-40-8998-5648
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