Hi Matthew,

I am glad to hear my answer helped. Yes, Giacovazzo is a good read.

The detail on the order of a rotoinversion is correct, I had forgotten that.

Fd-3c should have five + two generators: (as used in the International Tables)

(the identity operation )
a two-fold (screw-)axis parallel z
a two fold (screw-)axis parallel y
a three fold axis parallel [111]
a two fold (screw-)axis parallel [110]
the inversion center

plus the two generators for the face centering.

With the smaller number of generators, using the four-fold axis you need to keep in mind the  individual multiplicative applications  and may have to use a recursive algorithm to generate all positions. The longer list of the ITA needs to use the three fold axis twice, but no recursion is needed.



Am 08.11.22 um 15:16 schrieb Matthew Rowles:
Thanks for that Reinhard.

The order of the -3 operation being 6 was the key to fix all (most) of my problems. I'll probably implement the augmented matrix methodology in my code, as it looks like it simplifies keeping track of the translation vector.  I've also just reserved my library's copy of Giacovazzo for me; I've been told that should help out.

Just for completeness, and the record: From another email I got, in general, the order of a rotation N is N. The order of a rotoinversion -N is N if N is even, otherwise it is of order 2N.

I'm following the generation algorithm outlined by Shumeli (corrected page numbers in [1]); for Fd-3c:1, the three generators are I3Q999, P4C993, and P2D939 == -z -x -y; 3/4 3/4 3/4, -y x z; 3/4 0 1/4, and y x -z; 3/4 1/4 3/4

I'll see if I can figure out how to alter the generated position order to match the ITA; at this point in time, the fact that I have the correct positions is enough, but it would be good to fix the order for completeness

Ta a lot!


[1] Acta Cryst (1984), A40, 559-567

On Tue, 8 Nov 2022 at 18:06, Reinhard Neder <reinhard.ne...@fau.de> wrote:

    Hi Matthew,

    Your initial description of the symmetry operations and their
    multiplication is just fine.

    Your error is at the assumption that the triple application of a
    3bar rotation is the unit matrix.

    The 3bar operation ( you call it 3Q) is the combination of the
    3-fold rotation with a center of symmetry
    into a single symmetry operation. The cycle for this operations is
    actually of length six.
    To "visualize" this, take a regular cube with the 3-fold rotation
    axis along the body diagonal.
    For a normal 3-fold rotation you turn the cube around the body
    diagonal by 120 degrees and after
    3 such operation you are back at the original position.
    For the 3bar rotation the first operation moves a side of the cube
    by 120 degrees and then "inverts" it
    to the opposite side. Try it out with a dice, with all even sides
    up. The first operation of the "6" then
    ends up on the lower side of the dice at at the "5"; then the "5"
    is copied into the "4" etc.

    The matrix formalism actually becomes easier if you follow the
    augmented notation, as described in more recent issues of the IT,
    or in the teaching edition.

    A symmetry operation in these issues uses letters W and w as P and
    Q are used for unit cell transformations
    but that is a trivial, irrelevant detail. Anyway, a symmetry
    operation (W,w) can be written as a single
    4x4 matrix in the form :

    ( W11 W12 W13 w1 )
    ( W21 W22 W23 w2 )
    ( W31 W32 W33 w3 )
    ( 0      0      0     1 )

    This "augmented" matrix allows to use the standard matrix
    multiplications rules for matrices of rank two.

    So with two symmetry operations W and M in augmented form, the
    combination is simply

    O = W*M

    Cyclic application of the 3bar symmetry operation with translation
    vectors : -z -x -y; 3/4 3/4 3/4 will give :

        0    0   -1  |  0.75
       -1    0    0  |  0.75
        0   -1    0  |  0.75

        0    1    0  |  0.00
        0    0    1  |  0.00
        1    0    0  |  0.00

       -1    0    0  |  0.75
        0   -1    0  |  0.75
        0    0   -1  |  0.75

        0    0    1  |  0.00
        1    0    0  |  0.00
        0    1    0  |  0.00

        0   -1    0  |  0.75
        0    0   -1  |  0.75
       -1    0    0  |  0.75

        1    0    0  |  0.00
        0    1    0  |  0.00
        0    0    1  |  0.00

    Where the translation components are restricted to the interval

    Another few points:

    Several space groups Fd-3c included are listed in the ITA with two
    origin choices. Origin choice 1 has
    the origin at the intersection of the higher symmetry elements
    like the rotation axes, while choice
    two has the origin at the center of symmetry. This will change
    several of the generator matrices.

    -z -x -y; 3/4 3/4 3/4 is usually not a generator matrix for Fd-3c
    (228); origin choice 1.

    If you want to reproduce the atom coordinates in the exact
    sequence as in the ITA, you need to use the

    generators as listed in the ITA BUT apply the centering operations

    For F3-3c the standard generators are:

    !        2  (  0,   0, 1/2) 0,1/4,z
    !        2  (  0, 1/2,   0) 1/4,y,0
    !        3 x,x,x
    !        2  (1/2, 1/2,   0) x,x-1/4,3/8
    !       -1 3/8,3/8,3/8
    !        t  (0  , 1/2, 1/2)
    !        t  (1/2,   0, 1/2)

    for Origin choice 2:

    !        2  (  0,   0, 1/2) 1/8,3/8,z
    !        2  (  0, 1/2,   0) 3/8,y,1/8
    !        3 x,x,x
    !        2  (1/2, 1/2,   0) x,x-1/4,0
    !       -1 0,0,0
    !        t  (0  , 1/2, 1/2)
    !        t  (1/2,   0, 1/2)

    Note for example the difference in the 5th generator -1 = 1bar.

    Another note, the generators in the ITA are listed such that
    starting from coordinates x,y,z you apply
    the 1st generator to these coordinates. Then you can apply the
    second generator to all previously
    generated position and so on. You do not need a recursive
    algorithm to generate all positions. for
    special positions, you can terminate once a previous coordinate is

    Feel free to check out the generators and the generation of
    symmetry matrices in my DISCUS code
    (generate_mod.f90 and spcgr_apply.f90 at

    Hope this helps
    Reinhard Neder

    Am 08.11.22 um 04:42 schrieb Matthew Rowles:
    Hi all

    For various reasons, I'm writing some code to generate the
    general positions of the space groups. I'm trying to follow the
    implementation of Shmueli in their 1984 paper and ITB chapter[1]

    My generated positions are fine for all except about 10 settings,
    and I think that I might have an issue with how I'm generating
    the various matrices which have improper rotations with
    translation vectors.

    I've deduced that a matrix, P, with translation vector, t,
    multiplied by Q and u,  can be represented as (P,t)*(Q,u) = (PQ,
    Pu + t), and so I assume that (P,t)^2 is just (PP, Pt+t).

    Following equation 12 from the 1984 paper, I can see that, (for
    example) from space group P4(1)32, one of the generating matrices
    is (4C, 393), and if I follow the above schema, I can generate
    (4C, 393), (4C, 393)^2, (4C, 393)^3, and (4C, 393)^4==(1A,000)
    (the identity).
    {(-y+1/4, x+3/4, z+1/4), (-x+1/2, -y, -z+1/2), (y+1/4, -x+1/4,
    z+3/4), (x,y,z)}  (see the end for matrices)

    I can't get the same cycle when I start with an improper rotation
    with a non-zero translation vector.

    For example:
    I3Q999 from Fd-3c. -> Improper rotation of matrix 3Q (z,x,y) with
    a translation vector of (3/4,3/4,3/4)
    From Table 4 in the 1984 paper, I know that this is (-z+3/4,
    -x+3/4, -y+3/4), so the "improper" rotation only affects the
    signs of the matrix, not the translation

    But I think I'm missing out something fundamental, as  (I3Q999)^3
    != (P1A000)
    eg: {(-z+3/4, -x+3/4, -y+3/4), (y, z, x), (-x+3/4, -y+3/4, -z+3/4)}

    I3Q999 = (P,t)
    [ 0  0 -1 | 3/4 ]
    [ -1  0  0 | 3/4 ]
    [ 0 -1  0 | 3/4 ]

    (I3Q999)^2 = I3Q999 * I3Q999 = (P,t)*(P,t) = (PP, Pt + t)
    [ 0 1 0 | 0 ]
    [ 0 0 1 | 0 ]
    [ 1 0 0 | 0 ]

    (I3Q999)^3 = I3Q999 * I3Q999 * I3Q999 = (P,t)*(PP, Pt + t) =
    (PPP, PPt + Pt + t)
    [ -1  0  0 | 3/4 ] [ 1 0 0 | 0 ]
    [ 0 -1  0 | 3/4 ]  != [ 0 1 0 | 0 ]
    [ 0  0 -1 | 3/4 ] [ 0 0 1 | 0 ]

    There aren't any examples of improper transformations in the
    papers, I don't know enough group theory to get enough out of the
    rest of the international tables, and I don't know the notation
    of Zachariasen [2].

    Can anybody help point me in the right direction?


    Matthew Rowles

    [1] Acta Cryst (1984), A40, 567-571 and International Tables,
    Vol. B, Chapter 1.4
    [2] Theory of X-Ray Diffraction in Crystals (1967), Ch. 2.

    P4C393 = (P,t)
    [ 0 -1  0 | 1/4 ]
    [ 1  0  0 | 3/4 ]
    [ 0  0  1 | 1/4 ]

    (P4C393)^2 = (P,t)*(P,t) = (PP, Pt + t)
    [-1 0 0 | 1/2 ]
    [ 0 -1 0 |  0  ]
    [ 0  0 1 | 1/2 ]

    (P4C393)^3 = (P,t)*(PP, Pt + t) = (PPP, PPt + Pt + t)
    [ 0 1 0 | 1/4 ]
    [ -1 0 0 | 1/4 ]
    [ 0 0 1 | 3/4 ]

    (P4C393)^4 = (P,t)*(PPP, PPt + Pt + t) = (PPPP, PPPt + PPt + Pt + t)
    [ 1 0 0 | 0 ]
    [ 0 1 0 | 0 ]
    [ 0 0 1 | 0 ]

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