Hi all

Are there any Rietveld programs that use the Bish and Howard approach
directly (instead of Hill & Howard) to calculate QPA?

ie w_i = s_i * rho_i / Sum(s_j * rho _j)

instead of

w_i = S_i * Z_i * M_i * V_i / Sum( S_j * Z_j * M_j * V_j)

w_i - weight fraction of phase i
s_i - Bish & Howard scale factor of phase i
S_i - Hill & Howard scale factor of phase i
rho_i - density of phase i
Z_i - number of formula units per unit cell of phase i
M_i - mass of formula unit of phase i
V_i - unit cell volume of phase i

They are equivalent, as long as the intensities in the B&H case are
pre-scaled by 1/V^2.


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