Glad you are following neutron developments Armel. This document points out
how French science has suffered due to the shutdown of the only national
neutron sources, in Grenoble and Paris. It argues that ESS when it is
finally operational, cannot possibly satisfy the national requirement if
ILL is also shut down. Hopefully that won't happen any time soon, given the
apparent renaissance of interest in nuclear due to the current energy
crisis, and the neglect of science by governments for most of my 50 year
life in France. It is however slightly worrying that instrument performance
on a possible HICANS accelerator source is projected to be inferior to
instruments on Orphée. That seems too pessimistic given the performance of
ISIS in the UK.

But perhaps you were trying to use this document to make some other point
:-) ?

Dr Alan Hewat, NeutronOptics
Grenoble, FRANCE (from phone)
+33.476984168 VAT:FR79499450856

On Wed, 6 Sept 2023, 13:31 Le Bail Armel, <> wrote:

> Interesting document about neutrons in French, though the word "Rietveld"
> appears only once, page 162, the word "poudre" (=powder) is more frequent :
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