Hi Geert,

currently I want to use crud (version: 1.0 eCalendar example) and add some kind of simple validation to a field. But it does not work as I would expect from the methods names. Am I fundamently wrong?

Example: A POJO extending CmfValidation

protected void activateValidation()
 // value is an int
 addConstraint(new CmfProperty("value")

Expecting that I could insert integers in the range from 1 to 25 by this code I gave it a try. Sadly it only generates an empty ComboBox instead of a simple input field allowing me to enter my numbers. Could you please tell me if I am doing something wrong or ran into a bug?

Many thanks in advance,

PS: Something totally different: I found out that adding participants (in participant.xml) depends on hierarchies e.g. a class with a to-many-reference to another one has to be added after that one it references. Maybe this could be helpful for the docs.
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