Hi Pierre,

this was a weird problem on Windows with the java ant task parameters being extrapolated as against an active command prompt, hence it picked up the actual files on the file system instead of passing the parameters to the executed class.

I committed a fix, it should now build on Windows.

Best regards,


On 14-nov-05, at 01:18, Raoul Pierre wrote:


I'm still trying to get AspectJ working with Rife. Atm, as far as joinpoints are in my projects it's ok. But when I try to define a poincut with some joinpoints in rife-1.3-snapshot-jdk15.jar, it doesn't work, with errors from inside rife jar...

So I tried to compile rife from svn repository. And then I get this error with build-1.5.xml:

    [echo] Precompiling sql templates:
    [java] The path '.project' is not a directory.

C:\DEV\Rife\rife-svn\build-1.5.xml:347: Java returned: 1

I'm working with Eclipse+Subclipse under Windows XP.

Even if I add some "-e" parameter, I get System.exit from TemplateDeployer's ctor with file name as ".project". In fact TemplateDeployer checks directory names in its ctor, before the exclusion step in its execute function. May I suggest to replace the exit instructions in the ctor by continue ones (just keep the warnings).

Other issue: in target "precompileSqlTemplates", there is an include parameter,

           <arg value="-i"/>
           <arg value=".*.${dbdriver}.*"/>

This pattern becomes ".classpath" in TemplateDeployer.main. I don't really understand this behavior. May be because ${dbdriver}= "*", so the final pattern is equivalent to ".*"? Anyhow with the pattern ".classpath", none of the sql templates are found by TemplateException execute.

Is it at purpose, to avoid taking in account any sql files if no driver is specified?



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