Hi Lars,

On Mon, Jan 23, 2006 at 11:16:45AM +0100, Lars Grupe wrote:
> <form name="uploadFile" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="[!V
> 'SUBMISSION:FORM:uploadFile'/]"
>     method="post">
> <!--V 'SUBMISSION:PARAMS:uploadFile'/-->      
> <input name="file" type="file" size="50" maxlength="100000"
> accept="text/*">
> <!--V 'fileUploadButton'/-->
> </form>

Not really a bug, but the maxlength attribute here is for the maximum
length of the filename text field - not the uploaded file size, so 100k
is perhaps overkill :). If you do want to limit file upload sizes, this
can be set in your rep/config-base.xml file with the following (more
parameters are available, please see the link to the LiveGuide further down),

<param name="FILEUPLOAD_SIZE_LIMIT"> (value in bytes) </param>

Also note that according to various references on the web, current
browsers ignore the "accept" attribute (it's only intended to filter the
file selection dialog on the client anyway).

I'm assuming that you've got a <!--BV 'fileUploadButton'--> elsewhere in
your template to add the submit button :)

> My submission looks like the following:
> <submission name="uploadFile">
>     <param name="file"/>
> </submission>

Ah, there's the problem - you're saying that a parameter called file
will be used rather than saying a file will arrive... Checking over the
DTD declaration for <submission> and it takes (param | bean | file). So
if we re-write your submission snippet like this:

<submission name="uploadFile">
  <file name="file"/>

The rest of your code will work.
> And I thought, that I can get the file with the following code that
> handles the submission:
> public void doUploadFile()
> {
>     UploadedFile uploadedFile = getUploadedFile("file");
>     logger.debug("UploadedFile: " + uploadedFile.getName());
> }

[snippet error messages]
> Must I define a bean with a constraint .file(true)?
> I couldn't find much about it in the documenation.

No, using beans for file upload isn't required; and you're absolutely
right, documentation for such a simple file upload was indeed missing.

I've added a section to the RIFE LiveGuide to address this, feel free to
amend it if needed:


Please let us know how you get on, and thanks for using RIFE!


Stephane Meslin-Weber         Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Software Engineer      Web: http://odonata.tangency.co.uk

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