Hi Naren,

the process is very simple. First you need to get yourself a copy of RIFE's sources. Best is to check them out from the Subversion repository since they are the latest and greatest ;-)

The repository's URL is: https://svn.rifers.org/rife/trunk/

You can find more information about Subversion from here:

I very detailed book is also available online here:

If you have the command-line client installed, this command will give you the latest version of the sources:

svn co https://svn.rifers.org/rife/trunk/ rife

Once you have them, you should try getting the unittests to run. Since you will be looking at the web engine, you can safely comment out all lines besides the "engine" one in this file: http://rifers.org:8088/viewrep/rifers/rife/trunk/src/unittests/com/ uwyn/rife/TestRifeTests.java?r=trunk

During development I also comment out the "SITE_SERVLET" lines from here: http://rifers.org:8088/viewrep/rifers/rife/trunk/src/unittests/com/ uwyn/rife/RifeTestSuite.java?r=2932

Now you need to set up a configuration variable for your platform, open the correct config file from here http://rifers.org:8088/viewrep/ rifers/rife/trunk/programs/unittests/config/rep (choose the one that corresponds to your OS). Set the RIFE_HOME configuration parameter to the full path where you checked out RIFE to.

Then try to run the tests and see if they all succeed. If they do, you're ready to go.

Now, to get a feel for the architecture it's often the easier to step through with a debugger. Just choose one of the tests (or even you own app where you attach the RIFE sources to) and follow what happens step by step.

You can now make any changes you want.

Note that to be accepted as a contribution, all your additions need to be tested in the testsuite and any new API needs to have clear javadocs.

To build a new JAR, you need to do this in the rife directory under JDK 1.5:
ant clean jar

Once you're satisfied with what you added, add any new files you wrote with the svn add command and then create a diff like this:
svn diff > rife_naren_thedate.diff

Send this file to me and I'll review it and commit it to the main repository if it's good enough.

Note that I'm very picky on the coding style, please try to respect the one that the project uses. It's probably not yours, but this was has been chosen and it needs to be consistent throughout. Me having to reformat your sources will seriously decrease the chance of the patch being accepted.

I hope this gives you enough information to get started, otherwise just ask and I'll help you as much as I can.

Best regards,


On 14-feb-06, at 14:48, Naren wrote:

Hello Geert,
I have never contributed to Open Source Project. Can you suggest how can I
contribute to RIFE development ?

If I made some changes/inhancements in RIFE then how can I submit to you ?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Geert Bevin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "RIFE users list : questions,bug reports and suggestions."
Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 13:56
Subject: Re: [Rife-users] Error page

Hi Naren,

not yet, it is planned though:

Feel free to work on it if you badly need it.

Best regards,


On 14-feb-06, at 06:24, Naren wrote:

Is there any way with RIFE to set a error page. So when any
exception raised
o page that error page is get displayed, instead of the default
stack trace
generated by rife?


Rife-users mailing list

Geert Bevin                       Uwyn bvba
"Use what you need"               Avenue de Scailmont 34
http://www.uwyn.com               7170 Manage, Belgium
gbevin[remove] at uwyn dot com    Tel +32 64 84 80 03

PGP Fingerprint : 4E21 6399 CD9E A384 6619  719A C8F4 D40D 309F D6A9
Public PGP key  : available at servers pgp.mit.edu, wwwkeys.pgp.net

Rife-users mailing list

Rife-users mailing list

Geert Bevin                       Uwyn bvba
"Use what you need"               Avenue de Scailmont 34
http://www.uwyn.com               7170 Manage, Belgium
gbevin[remove] at uwyn dot com    Tel +32 64 84 80 03

PGP Fingerprint : 4E21 6399 CD9E A384 6619  719A C8F4 D40D 309F D6A9
Public PGP key  : available at servers pgp.mit.edu, wwwkeys.pgp.net

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