Geert Bevin wrote:
Yes, sort of, why do you need this?

You could do:

template.setValue("tagid", getExitQueryUrl(...));

Uhm, that will not work, I'm afraid.

I am trying to "import" a generated list from a template that is normally built from another element.

Since the importing element does not have the same exits defined as that other element, my content generation is failing.

For example, a summary page that lists the same data as the "list persons" page. From the "summary" element:

Template template = getHtmlTemplate("main.summary");
Person[] persons = PersonRepository.findAll();
Template t1 = getHtmlTemplate("persons.list");
PersonTemplateHelper.populateList(this, t1, persons);
template.setValue("persons-list", t1.getValue("persons-list"));

"this" is the current element and does not have the same exits that were designed for the "list persons" element. So, this fails.

I realise that I could generate the list using an embedded element, but that means re-writing quite a bit of code.

Any ideas?

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