Hi Joe,

thanks a lot for this, I integrated the patch and upgraded DWR to the latest HEAD. I had to comment out the compilation of the demo classes from the Ant build file, since they caused the build to fail with errors.

I also had to add the Marshaller to the DWR container, you probably simply overlooked that.

Indeed, the URL processing is a bit heavy code-wise and I think that it would be nice for this to be sharable. After all, many people will want to adopt the default behavior of this.

Best regards,


On 14-mrt-06, at 22:16, Joe Walker wrote:


I've just updated DWR HEAD against which Rife was compiled. A few things broke Rife, the biggest being the introduction of the concept of a Marshaller to abstract away the wire protocol. Now (in theory at least) DWR could work over SOAP or JSON-RPC. I have no intention of writing such, but it will keep quiet the people that would like it.

So I'm attaching a patch to Rife Trunk that keeps you in sync.

The only bit which should need explanation is the alteration to .classpath, which I updated to compile against 1.5 (so the Annotations would compile) and updated the mysql for 3.1.12.

I noticed you have a sizable copy of UrlProcessor (was DefaultProcessor, a silly name) in DwrRifeProcessor. Would you like me to work on a better way to share this, or do you see the URL processing as a fundamental part of Rife's job?



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