Hi Enrico,

Elephant is not really released yet and has only been tested with PostgreSQL. It's possible that some things will not work with HSQLDB. The DB schema is installed by accessing the /admin/install page.

However, I recommend that you look at a more resent example application instead:

With the repository at https://svn.rifers.org/javapaste/trunk (http:// rifers.org:8088/viewrep/rifers/javapaste/trunk).

This application not only is structure is the best way for the current RIFE capabilities, but it also uses Derby by default. So you can just type 'ant run' and everything will be installed and the application will be launched.

Hope this helps.

Best regards,


On 19-mrt-06, at 11:45, Enrico Donelli wrote:

Hi all,
I'm a newbye to rife, and I would like to test elephant application,
as a way to introduce myself to rife.
I noticed that the datasource is connecting to a postgresql database.
I can't connect to postgresql server, so I would like
to test it with a simpler hsqldb database.
The problem is that I don't find  the DB schema.
Is it present somewhere?
Should be automatically created by application? If so, how?

Thanks a lot
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