Sounds great! Looking forward to read whatever you have.

On 30-mrt-06, at 18:28, Frederic Daoud wrote:

Hi Frederic,

no, such a document hasn't been written yet. When I find the time I
will put something on the wiki about it. If you have some time and
want to have a go at it, go right ahead, I'll jump in to help or
correct when needed.

Best regards,


Sure, I'd like to help. Coding standards are very important to me,
in my projects, professional and personal, so I have a lot of respect
for others that try to establish and follow standards as well. I'll
try to start writing a document soon, and as you said, you can correct
me where needed.

Thanks for your response.


Hi Geert,

Is there a document with the RIFE coding standards?

I've looked through the RIFE source code quite a bit (sometimes it's
the best way to learn things!), so I could already see some standards being used. However I was wondering if there was an official document.



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Geert Bevin             Uwyn bvba               GTalk: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Use what you need"     Avenue de Scailmont 34  Skype: gbevin     7170 Manage, Belgium      AIM: geertbevin
gbevin at uwyn dot com  Tel: +32 64 84 80 03   Mobile: +32 477 302 599

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