So you have two times the seatList value and blocks at different locations in the template with different content.

On 29 May 2006, at 11:57, apdewith wrote:


I discovered that another part of the template is causing the unexpected behaviour:

           ${v reservationDetails}${/v}
           ${b reservationDetails}
               ${v ELEMENT:.ReservationDetails:/}
           ${v seatList}${/v}
           ${b seatList}
               <div id="tabContent" class="tabContent">
                   <table id="row" class="displaytag">
                       ${v seatDetailsList/}
                       ${b seatEntry}
                           ${v ELEMENT:.SeatEntry:/}

If I remove the first div block (the ReservationDetails embedded element is not processed in my example) then the display of the second div block is as expected in case the SeatEntry embedded elements are processed. If I move the first div block to after the seatList then this does not display as expected if the ReservationDetails embedded element is processed. The example is about a tabbed form and depending on the current tab either the ReservationDetails embedded element is processed or the SeatEntry embedded elements are processed in processElement of the embedding element..
Any clue why this happening?

Adriaan. de With
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