Hi John,

I'll be short and refer you to:
http://rifers.org/wiki/display/RIFE/Content+management +framework#Contentmanagementframework-example

Look at the "SERVE_CONTENT" element and its explanation as well as getContentForHtml at the bottom of the page.

Best regards,


On 31 May 2006, at 03:48, John T wrote:

I will apologize in advance for my general lack of research on this topic, but
I am coming up on a deadline...

I use CRUD to enter some data, including an image.  When I use a
ContentQueryManager for the same Bean type in a custom element/ template, e.g.:

template.setValue("thumbnail", rifeDbManager.getContentForHtml
(plan, "thumbnail", this, "carePlanDetail"));

...and retrieve the same Plan record (other fields retrieved OK), the image shows up broken. I also notice that the URL for the image has a different path than when viewed in the Browse screen in the CRUD interface. Do I have to somehow tell the ContentQueryManager to use a different base path? Any other

 - JT

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