Hi dear RIFErs,

I've managed to implement a simple component which I call a "view
component", in the sense that it's not really an Element, just a
reusable unit that renders a view from some data. In this case, it's
an HTML table. My goal was to encapsulate how I display a table of
data in my application, so that it is consistent throughout.

My question to you is, what do you think of this approach? Am I
missing some important issues? Is there a better way of achieving
this? I think this way seems fine but I'm interested in your thoughts
or suggestions.

Say I want to display two tables of data. Ideally, in my template,
I'd want something like:

RIFErs never cease to amaze! Good work, Frederic.

I like the approach, although I personally prefer template decorators.

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