Please integrate GNU Ring with CardBook:

It is based on the vCard format and runs on multiple operating systems (Linux, Windows, Mac, BSD, ...)

The developer of CardBook is Philippe Vigneau who can be emailed at:

Thank you

On 22/06/17 06:07, Anthony Léonard wrote:
Hi Adonay,

Last but not less important: I might be wrong on the following: One
the issues of using JavaScript might be the loss of integration with,
for example, vCard contact managers. But of course it's always better
ask a real expert instead of an occasional user and contributor (this
me). :)
You are half-right (or wrong, depends on your mood :) ). The
integration with third party contact managers (like GNOME Contacts on
GNU/Linux or Contacts app on MacOS) is currently managed by the client
layer on each platforms. The client "injects" contacts it gather from
external applications in its own contact list alongside the contacts
coming internally from the daemon.

The part on which you're wrong is that the loss of integration is not
related to JS itself but to the fact that an interface between a new
“ring-electron” client and contact managers is yet to be implemented.
It is not infeasible but requires making a wrapper in C/C++ for every
existing "contact-APIs" to expose those interfaces to JS code.

Another solution could be to integrate this support inside the
daemon, but also requires coding interfaces for each contact systems as
those interfaces are currently split between every clients.

Best regards.

Anthony L.

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