Hello all!

Firstly, I finally got to translating again, so I made the
following changes and I'm sending them as attachments:
- Updated Czech translations for LRC and Windows
- New Czech translations for Gnome and Android
- Updated Esperanto translations for LRC, Windows and Gnome
- New Esperanto translation for Android

The translation for Android was done by hand in a plain text
editor, by copying over the English files or their parts and
translating the strings. I added an extra line 34 into the
Czech translation of "strings.xml". I did this without prior
experience or testing, so please see if it's okay.

During my translating, I have encountered the words "Ring ID"
spelled in several different ways, such as "ringId", "RingID"
or "ring ID". I'd like to ask if this serves a purpose and
should be kept, or if it may be translated uniformly. For now
I stuck to "Ring ID" and "RingID".

I'd also like to translate the OS X client, but I did not
find a program compatible with the ".strings" format. If
anyone knows of such a free (libre) program for GNU/Linux,
please let me know. The files appear as readable in a plain
text editor, though. Please also let me know if that is an
okay way of translating them.

Finally, I would, as usual, like to ask the team to
reconsider their options and move to a translation platform
that will allow people to contribute without running non-free 
software. The current one does not seem to allow that, which
presents a significant issue in contributing to the project.

Have a nice day
// Tirifto

Attachment: Windows.tar.gz
Description: application/compressed-tar

Attachment: LRC.tar.gz
Description: application/compressed-tar

Attachment: Gnome.tar.gz
Description: application/compressed-tar

Attachment: Android.tar.gz
Description: application/compressed-tar

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