On 2020/06/02 20:28 , Gert Doering wrote:
> have there been software updates for v1 probes recently?  I've heard
> about a few v1 probes that have died "just last week" - mine among
> them (#461), fell off the net with "Firewall Problems Suspected",
> but it's no longer even ARPing properly (= either it totally lost
> its config and wants DHCP now, which there isn't in this network,
> or it just died)...

No there haven't been any software updates for a very long time. For
this reason they should be considered obsolete. However, we currently
still support them, and we will try to release new firmware if there is
a security issue.

It seems that v1 and v2 probes are now starting to die faster. I have no
 idea what part is wearing out.

Unfortuantely, due to corona, we are out of v4 probes. So the best thing
to do at the moment is to replace dead v1/v2 probes with software probes.


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