On 03/05/2019 00:31, Randy Bush wrote:
>>> I would prefer to not have any third-party tracking scripts on
>>> ripe.net.
>> +10000. The NCC should not be entertaining any form of spyware. Ever.
>> I’m astounded that it’s even necessary to state such a fundamental
>> truth. If we’ve reached the point where this has to get written down,
>> something has gone badly wrong.
> i am curious what technical and management decision processes which
> allowed this to happen.  something broke.

With my EB hat on, but at a jaunty angle.

I'm inclined to think that this is accidental... cockup rather than
conspiracy. It certainly didn't come near the EB, but then I wouldn't
expect it to; we don't micromanage to this extent. Having said that, the
discussion so far has been polite, and it's best to keep it that way. I
think the displeasure has been noted.


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