I've seen the case of multiple albums tagged discussed elsewhere (other
software), and I think it is something that just isn't handled well by
software because it is a bit abstract.  In theory it is possible, but I
think that a lot of software just doesn't support it.  I think the
expectation is that one track will go with one album.

Other things that would complicate this (from a complete point of view):

track numbers (what do you use?)
album artists (how do you deal with it if they are different?)
Other tags that might vary for each album a track is on: genre, album
cover, year, etc.

On a side note, I looked into this in detail about 15 years ago (maybe
more as I am getting older).  My purpose was to save disk space as a
poor grad student in an era when hard-drives were much smaller and the
idea of Terabytes of storage wasn't really a thing.  I thought why not
consolidate when compilations often have tracks that can be found
elsewhere.  My end verdict was that it wasn't worth it.  I am a bit OCD
on tagging, and the complications of one file belonging to multiple
albums, was just a mess.  I think I just ended up getting new
hard-drives and then of course getting a real job and not having to
worry about finances much.

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