emalvick wrote: 
> IF you include artists in your browse list.  I have a lot of
> compilations, so I browse almost exclusively by Album Artist. 
> Consequently, I choose the route of having two entries in the Album
> Artist field (for that example).  AND, I would also have both artists
> tagged separately for the Artists too.  
> Why? well in 99.9% of my cases I have one Album Artist, and I use the
> Album Artist to group variations of the artist or the Album Artist as I
> would browse for it.  Rarely do I have a case like the Eric Clapton and
> B.B. King example where I might be as likely to browse for either one.
> For instance, the duet album with Robert Plant and Allison Krauss gets
> Robert Plant only for Album Artist because I don't have any other
> Allison Krauss albums.  Maybe some day in the future I will, then I
> might add her as a second Album Artist.  But, I leave her in the Artist
> tags because I will occasionally search by a song Artist, and I don't
> know that she wouldn't turn up on a compilation or here so that I could
> find a song if I knew who sang it. 
> In other cases, I use one Album Artist to group variations on an artist
> or band. For instance, Miles Davis is always an Album Artist for albums
> by his Quartets, Quintets, etc., and Bruce Springsteen is always the
> Album Artist whether it is a solo album or with the E-Street Band.  The
> Artist tags clarifies the specifics for each track when needed.
> In some rare instances I might include in the Artist tags both the
> individual Artist and the Artists combined.  For instance in the Clapton
> & King example, I might have:
> Artist = Eric Clapton
> Artist = B.B. King
> Artist = Eric Clapton & B.B. King
> I did that a long time ago in the case of a few albums that had some odd
> situations.  Not sure I've ever really put that to use for any reason.

But taking that last example you really should have
Artist = B.B. King
Artist = Eric Clapton
Artist = B.B. King & Eric Clapton
as the album is credited that way round so should you also have
Artist = Eric Clapton & B.B. King 
for completeness sake

As I said earlier you pays your money ...

PS Riding with the King is a great album either way round. :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

*Pi3 with piCoreplayer music on QNAP TS419p via NFS*
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*Office* - Pi -> Sony TA FE320 -> Celestion F10s / Pi & SB3 -> Onkyo CRN
755 -> Wharfedale Modus Cubes
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