I've always considered COMPILATION to be an album with tracks that were
not originally meant to go together, e.g. tracks (or performances) that
were previously released in some *original* form and now re-compiled in
a new release. Of course, this is not a bulletproof definition :o. 

Oscar Peterson's "Take the A Train" has "Hymn to Freedom" from a
different recording session (and sticks out like a sore thumb both in
style and recording quality). Not really a compilation, is it? Ozzy
Osbourne's "Tribute" was different performances, topped off with a
studio outtake. Also hardly a compilation. Anne-Sophie Mutter just
released an album with John Williams, playing movie scores. Even if the
pieces are very different, it is still the same concert, the same
composer and an original release and thus not a compilation in my book.
Same Mutter released "Early Years", which are mostly previously released
material remastered. That I'd consider a compilation. 

I don't consider an album that has tracks with different musicians a
compilation, unless it honours the above. But then what about
soundtracks. *They* look an awful lot like compilations on many
parameters. Aargh!

It's a bloody detective job figuring this out, sometimes. Particularly
if you are a music-addict and buy more music than you have time to
investigate properly ;).

p.s. While I don't often search for compilations, I often use it as a
cue to whether or not it's what I am looking for, once it pops up.

Thomas Nielsen
-I breathe music...-
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