d6jg wrote: 
> Looking at this another way your requirement is fulfilled partly by
> creating a specific playlist of the pseudo album.
> Two things stop a playlist approach from working exactly as you would
> want.
> 1) Playlists do not appear in your Album list - but I imagine that if a
> simple flag existed against them they could be added if someone was
> prepared to modify the scanner code. It must be broadly how Online Music
> Library integration works?
> 2) Playlist don't have specific cover art but could they?

Thanks for being tolerant of my illogical obstinacy! If LMS could treat
a playlist as an album, that would be the ideal solution. I don't have
the knowledge or skill to address either of those points, so unless
someone else takes that on, I'll continue to work on this odd quest of
mine. I now have a Bash script that largely automates the process of
creating symlinks and building the cue file, so it's not such a tedious

LMS 8 nightly running on Raspberry Pi OS. Mostly virtual players,
occasionally with SB Radio, Boom or Classic.
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