On Thu 21 Mar, Steve Bradburn wrote:
> Then I looked into PHP, and now all my Perl scripts have
> been replaced by PHP pages.

Traitor! Deserter!  ;-)

> It seems easier to handle a PHP script (with embedded HTML) in
> any directory than Perl scripts in the cgi-bin

This depends on the nature of the web applications you're writing.
For certain applications it is much easier to maintain them if
the "business logic" is clearly separated from the UI presentation.
Personally, I much prefer to use HTML templates so that there is
no HTML at all in my code, and no code in my HTML.

> (I know it needn't be this way with other hosts).

Quite so. The hosts I use all allow Perl scripts to be named
*.cgi and run from anywhere in the document tree.

For anyone else wishing to write large web applications in
Perl in a more manageable way, I thoroughly recommend first
reading this excellent comparative review of the main web
templating systems and frameworks:


I find the introduction quite ironic because I started out
using the HTML::Template module and was happy with the
results for quite a long time. However, with each new
version, HTML::Template seems to move further away from its
initial simplicity, and with increasing complexity comes
ever more surprising "features" (bugs). As a result I'm
seriously considering writing my own much simpler and bug
free templating system to replace it, thus moving in the
opposite direction to that which the introduction espouses.

I had to back-grade from the latest version of HTML::Template
because something they've done has broken it on RISC OS.
(I think it's a File::Spec related problem but I didn't look
into it any further than that.)

James Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Based in Southam, Cheltenham, UK.
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