Hi mathew
Thats a common problem with the cards swapping around. The sound cards are
easy to hard code in the values.
First you need to identify the card types.
I can send you the details tpmorrow cos im away from my studio at the
Many thanks

sent by geoff on his android phone
On Nov 17, 2013 1:11 PM, "Matthew Mangan" <m...@breakfastpatrol.com.au>

> Hi all,
> You will have to forgive me I am sure I read this somewhere in part of a
> post but can't seem to find it anymore. That or I had a dream about this
> mailing list and it never has actually been answered.
> I have a set up that contains 4 sound cards, two identical creative sound
> blasters that play out the main log in order. A digital USB connection to
> mixer for Rivendell cue or sound panel play out. And an onboard sound card
> which is set up to handle external sounds to Rivendell (allows for VoIP
> soft phone and audacity editing whilst using Rivendell)
> I'm running Linux mint with kde and all sound cards go through Alsa.
> However the problemo I have is that each time I reset the computer sound
> cards change order so rdalsaconfig goes all funky.
> What's the easiest way to somehow lock sound card positions so that sound
> card 0 will always be say creative blaster channel 1, etc?
> Thanks in advance!
> Matthew Mangan
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