Hello Alan,

That's an interesting option, but it would screw up the philosophy behind the 
way I schedule songs. Every song scheduled has something to do with the song 
before. All songs have "energy" tags, so it keeps natural to listen to. For 
example: a low energy song will never play right after a high energy song. 
Therefor it's easier to kick out the extra song scheduled.

I think it might be easier to let my stationmanager program the option I'm 
asking for into Rivendell (he's also a Linux-developer). I don't think it will 
happen very often that the news will run a lot over time, I just want to tackle 
the chance of it happening. Basically (I'm not a programmer, but this in my 
head) he'll need to turn an OR into an AND in the "options" line. I'm sure it 
will need some more coding. Maybe a command-line can be runned at the "make 
next" time, checking for how long the playing song will be running and trigger 
an action if that time exceeds 2.30 minutes.

Thanks for thinking with me! I appreciate that and you're helping me in finding 
a solution. Which I happily share with you.


Peter van Embden

Radio Capelle



Van: Al Peterson
Verzonden: ‎dinsdag‎ ‎1‎ ‎april‎ ‎2014 ‎16‎:‎59
Aan: Peter van Embden
CC: rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org

   My advice would be *not* to schedule a 4-minute song that late in the hour.  
   Come up with a way to differentiate long songs vs. short songs in the User 
Defined field, and create an Event in the Clock that would schedule a short 
song only to begin playing close to the hour. 

Alan Peterson KJ4IVD

Production Director, Radio America Network
Arlington VA USA

On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 5:06 AM, Peter van Embden <twit...@moqua.nl> wrote:



We're running Rivendell 2.6.0 and very soon we'll kick out the old automation 
system and switch entirely to Rivendell. During daytime, when non-stop music 
will be played, I'd like the news to be floating. Now I've set the news to 
"make next" at xx.59.17.9. The news is an event with 4 carts: bottom of the 
hour, news, traffic information, top of the hour and programmed as the last 
event of the clock. With STOP transition if the hour is somehow too short.


I've chosen to let the news-event be runned from max seconds before the hour, 
so there will be new news. But, and here comes the question, if a 4 or more 
minute song starts at xx.59.16.x, the news will be 3,5 of more minutes late. 
And that's just a little too late. There's also the option to "wait up to xx.xx 
minutes". I'd like to combine these two options. Because if set to "wait up to 
02.30 minutes", Rivendell won't kick out the extra songs scheduled (usually 
there's one or two songs too much in the hour), but just hard starts the 
news-event 2.30 minutes after xx.59.17.9, right in the middle (or at the start) 
of the "extra" song that should have been kicked out.


For the news I'd like to have a 2.30 minutes window. For me it's okay to hard 
start the news when already 2.30 minutes in a song.


By the way, setting the news as the final event of the clock is pretty handy. 
Never had a problem at midnight, for example.




Peter van Embden

Radio Capelle





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