Hi Lorne,

Here's answers to the questions according to our system manager

RDServer - holds all the music and mysql database -- CORRECT
RDNonstop is in your "on-air" studio, used mainly for playout -- PARTLY 
CORRECT, as I wrote in the previous answer
RDStudio1 - is in a production studio, used to edit stuff, logs, put new
audio on the system, etc (everything but on-air playout) -- NOPE, as I stated 
in the previous answer.

Is that a fairly correct guess of your setup?
He says: state that everything is running on one server, virtualized.

Assuming it is, then the questions that come to mind:

-What hardware specs / level computer / how much memory / what build of
Linux are you using (and is this the broadcast appliance or something
else) on the computer showing the issue?

- We're running everything on a Quad core 3.2ghz server. Core's are AMD Phenom 
II X4 995 Processor

-What are the hardware specs on RDServer?

- Same as above

-Has the host name lookup stuff in MySQL been turned off, and the system
to do all its MySQL stuff directly via the IP address of the MySQL

- No.

-What speed of network are you running (10 / 100 / Gigabit)?  Have you
checked for network latency?

- Gigabit, network latency shouldn't be an issue, because is virtual.

-On the computer that is showing this issue, what sound card(s) are you

- We've got 2 audio-servers in the rack, one with a digital firewire soundcard 
(for rdstudio1), one analog M-Audio Delta 10/10 (for rdnonstop). The audiocards 
are seperated from the Rivendell software. The audio-servers are also in use by 
other applications.

-Are you using Jack, ALSA, or is this an ASI card with the ASI drivers?

- Jack with "net" driver.

-Are the drop box folders on RDServer with the dropbox process running
on the server, or are they on rdnonstop / rdstudio1 and then the dropbox
/ import process running locally and transferring the audio data across
the network?  If the folder itself is on rdnonstop (assuming that's the
one which is showing the issue), then there could be some additional
network traffic / cpu usage incurred when the system is importing
something via those drop boxes

- Dropbox folders are on RDServer. The audio-files are on RDServer, RDImport is 
also running on RDServer and is called via Crontab. We're using a Crontab 
script because we run some checks on the audio files before they're imported. 
Since everything is running on the same virtual host, I do think RDImport might 
be disrupting the other virtual machines that are doing the playout.

-If all your audio is sitting on rdserver, it could be a network issue. 
Have you checked for network latency issues?

- As stated above: latency shouldn't be an issue, because all is virtual.

-Are there any other processes running on the computer showing the issue
that might be eating up either CPU cycles or network bandwidth? (surfing
facebook / watching youtube cat videos / etc)?

- None of that, just Rivendell. All of it.

-Assuming this setup is using NFS between the systems for the sharing of
/var/snd, have you tried tweaking the settings of NFS (check the list
archives - this discussion came up not long ago on this list if I recall
correctly).  If you're using something else for the networking of 
/var/snd (Samba for instance), then give NFS a try instead.

- We're using NFS. I'll see if I can find it in the archives. But if you know 
what discussion it was, feel free to send the link. 😊

Anyways, just some stuff to check.
- Thanks! We're checking and I really hope for some good advice. 😊

Kind regards,

Peter van Embden

Radio Capelle

The Netherlands


> Hello,
> We've been using Rivendell for non-stop playout since january and recently 
> started to use it for live-assist as well. Few things are to be found out or 
> configured (like button-start and voicetracking) but now we are facing a 
> hicup-problem.
> We've got 3 hosts: rdserver, rdnonstop and rdstudio1. No need to explain what 
> each one does, right?
> We've given each presenter a personal dropbox to upload their music to, which 
> Rivendell then imports to a cartrange named DROPBOX (I think I set it to 
> 500.000 - 800.000, so there's plenty of room).
> Now when I'm recording a show (realtime) or hosting one live, there's a hicup 
> every now and then, sometimes about 1 second. And with "now and then" I mean 
> every one or two minutes. Do you have any thoughts of this? How this can 
> happen and, more important, how to solve it?
> I would really appreciate your input. We're still building on Rivendell and 
> our presenters like to work with it.
> Thanks!
> Kind regards,
> Peter van Embden
> Radio Capelle
> The Netherlands
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