Hi all,

Here at Radio Capelle we're running in a virtualises environment since we 
started using Rivendell (early 2014). If you like, I can pass this thread on to 
our IT-manager (who got it all figured out).

Cheers, Peter


Van: Lee Baker
Verzonden: ‎maandag‎ ‎27‎ ‎april‎ ‎2015 ‎13‎:‎08
Aan: Lorne Tyndale
CC: User_discussion_about_the_Rivendell_Radio_Automation_System

Hi Lorne,

Glad you mentioned that, I had a secondary system which mirrored the main
system so in the event of a failure I was able to bring everything back
online quite quickly.

The other great thing of running in a virtual environment, you can have
your ³golden image² ready to go in the event something screws up with the
RD system.

The amount of times I¹d make a change to and broke the system and have to
rebuild it was rather frustrating and time consuming.

By virtualising I not only reduced an entire rack of servers in to one
server and a backup server thus also reducing environment costs such as
power consumption I reduced down time and maintenance.

My other requirement was to have the backup service off site in the event
of internet dropouts or power outages, in the previous setup of multiple
physical servers it was just too complicated.

This was being used for internet based radio stations delivered to paying
customers in a retail environment.

That is basically what put me on the path to testing running a physical
studio off a virtual system.

Of course redundancy is the key, being able to quickly migrate the main
service over to your backup service with very little down time.

I had the virtual server running non stop for 6 months without issue, only
reason I had to reboot was because of a power outage that lasted longer
than the UPS could hold the system up for.


On 27/04/2015 2:18 pm, "Lorne Tyndale" <ltynd...@tyndaleweb.com> wrote:

>That does sound like an interesting way to make things work in a
>virtualized environment.  But one item jumped out at me:
>> For a while now I have been running RD in a Vmware environment
>> successfully running up to 10 stations on one system.
>I have to admit I'd be hesitant to put 10 stations running on a single
>machine regardless of how stable that machine is.  All it would take is
>a significant hardware failure and you'd have 10 stations off the air,
>and that's not really the type of phone call I'd want to have waking me
>up at 3 am.
>Just something to think about.
>Lorne Tyndale

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