Hi There
Using Lubuntu 14.04 and Typhon Repositories
Rivendell v 2.10.3

I've been importing music using a command line option to import songs
in a given directory using the syntax.
rdimport --verbose --segue-level=-10 MUSICGROUPNAME *.mp3

It seems to be putting the fade point at the start of the fade down
instead of halfway down where it should be placed.... that is when the
music level drops by 10 db. Am I doing something wrong or has the way
of deciding when to fade changed? Should I change -10 to some other

It used to work alright in versions before v 2.10.3 of Rivendell.
Can anyone else confirm this problem ... or am I imagining it?
Many thanks
Geoff Barkman
Rivendell-dev mailing list

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