Hi Nicholas
I'm another Ubuntu fan.... except I use Lubuntu with its different desktop.

2 problems you might be having is group membership.

Just after you install and before you try to run rdadmin. Run these 2
commands in a terminal...
sudo adduser $USER rivendell
sudo adduser $USER audio

Also check in the /etc/rd.conf file that the line saying
AudioOwner=USERNAME is correct.
Now log out or reboot the machine. Then try starting rdadmin. You
might also want to check ownership of the /var/snd directory is

I hope this helps you.
Many thanks
Geoff Barkman

On 8/4/15, Nicholas Young <nicho...@originalmachine.com> wrote:
> After many attempts to make everything cooperate on CentOS with the
> Rivendell Appliance (and none of them successful), I decided to go back to
> an OS that I know: Ubuntu.
> Everything seems to be installed with the Tryphon repositories, but I can't
> successfully start rdadmin. It will connect, ask for a root password, and
> create the database -- but no luck beyond that. It complains about rdimport
> not being running, and closes.
> Any time that I open it after that complaint, I enter the user/password
> combo, and it says "failed login," with the errors: "QSqlQuery: not
> positioned on a valid record," and crashes.
> Any ideas?
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