I think one way to do this is the evergreen option. I think it plays if no
there option exists?
Many thanks
Geoff barkman
On May 8, 2016 12:09 PM, "Chuck" <dj.chuc...@googlemail.com> wrote:

>   I don't think there is a way to do this, but thought I would check
> here to make sure.  We have a weekly show where the host provides
> specific promos for most weeks.  Those promos come in batches of a month
> at a time and are put as multiple cuts in a single cart, with start and
> kill dates for each cut.  That has been working perfectly, and we only
> have to bother with that cart when a new set of promos comes in.
>   Some weeks, there is no specific promo, and we want to run a generic.
> Is it possible--without further messing with that cart--to schedule
> things so the generic cut plays only when there is no specific cut
> available?
> --Chuck W.
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