
I've only just come to this thread so I'll add my 2 cents worth. 

Having been playing with the existing Tryphon repository, I've been using the 
Mate edition of Linux Mint. Basically this is because the v17 Mints were based 
on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and the system would be well supported for 5 years. Also 
there were builds for 14.04 LTS on the repository. 

However, as you say, it doesn't matter what distro you use.  I think it does 
matter though which desktop you use.  Having been using most of the common 
desktops, I think we need to keep it basic.  If you have anything with "Hot 
Corners" and the like, the desktop starts to do things that might be 
undesirable in a live radio setup.  That is why I chose to use the Mate 
desktop, and why I think the older Centos 6 desktop is better than the newer 
Centos 7.


---- On Mon, 29 Aug 2016 17:02:48 +0100 Seth Stevenson wrote ---- 
>Well that's my point really. If there is a live cd then it doesn't matter if 
>it is Debian, Ubuntu, Centos, or whatever else. It doesn't matter if it is 
>windows or linux. It just works. What I was getting at is that with Windows 
>you pretty much click and install. With a live cd this is as close as you can 
>get to that, therefore it is more nature to migrate to Rivendell from a 
>windows why of doing things. (Not that the windows way is the best way, just 
>the most common).
>On Mon, Aug 29, 2016 at 11:34 AM, Cowboy <c...@cwf1.com> wrote:
>On Monday 29 August 2016 10:59:47 am Seth Stevenson wrote:
> > A lot of people have interest, but shy
> > away when Linux is even mentioned.
> Then don't mention it !
> That's the whole point of an appliance.
> Would people stop driving if you told them that
> it was a Linux running their car ?
> --
> Cowboy
> http://cowboy.cwf1.com
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