Subject: Bug Centos 7  no insert chain at log ends
Date: 21.09.2016 20:57
From: Admin <>

Posted this again on the RDD list as first post dissapeared ...

Hi we have a few test machines running Centos 7 and we have 2 bugs RDcatch tends to crash when editing any clock entry to a different time or machine to run from, all logs are being made ok but no
chains at the bottom of log.

These are tested via mysql and mariadb also rpm install with new script also config script at rivendell github so this is also in 2,51.1int00.

I have not had time to play with network-scripts in centos as I am pretty sure it could be due to eth0 = enp1s0 in centos 7 and rivendell is looking for eth0 not enpls0 ...

If Fred is about he can update us on this one as that would cause no chains and rdcatch even export to play up in 7.

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