On behalf of the entire Rivendell development team, I'm pleased to announce the 
availability of Rivendell v2.15.2.  Rivendell is a full-featured radio 
automation system targeted for use in professional broadcast environments. It 
is available under the GNU General Public License.

From the NEWS file:
*** snip snip ***

   WallTime RLM.  Refactored the 'rlm_walltime' RLM to be compatible with
   v1.1.0 firmware.

   Create Database Bug Fix.  Fixed a bug in database creation that caused
   incompatibility with MySQL InnoDB tables.

   WAV Format Change.  Implemented a workaround in WAV file generation
   to avoid compatibility issues with certain proprietary audio editors.

   LiveWire Multicast GPIO Driver.  Added the ability to generate GPO

   Web API.  Added 'CREATE' and 'GROUP_NAME' parameters to the 'Import'

   Various other bug fixes.  See the ChangeLog for details.   

Database Update:
   This version of Rivendell uses database schema version 259, and will
   automatically upgrade any earlier versions.  To see the current schema
   version prior to upgrade, see RDAdmin->SystemInfo.

   As always, be sure to run RDAdmin immediately after upgrading to allow 
   any necessary changes to the database schema to be applied.

*** snip snip ***

Further information, screenshots and download links are available at:

http://www.rivendellaudio.org <http://www.rivendellaudio.org/>


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |              Chief Developer             |
|                           |              Paravel Systems             |
| "You see, wire telegraph is a kind of very, very long cat.  You pull |
| his tail in New York and his head is meowing in Los Angeles.  Do you |
| understand this?  And radio operates exactly the same way:  you send |
| signals here, they receive them there.  The only difference is that  |
| there is no cat."                                                    |
|                                                                      |
|               -- Albert Einstein, upon being asked to describe radio |

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