I am attempting to get an install on an ubuntu based system using kxstudio.

The distribution that I am testing is http://qianastudio.tumblr.com/ which
is an audio tuned system based on linux mint.

I followed the instructions on
http://wiki.rivendellaudio.org/index.php/UbuntuXenial to install qt3 and
rivendell both from source, omitting the patching steps of rivendell.

I ended up with a system that is working with Cadence, rdlibrary works fine
and imports and plays.

RdAirplay will play the test tones from the Sound panel on the right side
of Airplay, but if I try and put the test tones on the left side of
RdAirplay and play it it causes the system to immediately reboot.

Anybody have any ideas of what might cause this behavior?

Chester Graham
Rivendell-dev mailing list

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