On Thu, 18 Oct 2018 14:07:17 +1300
Robert Jeffares <jeffares.rob...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 10/10/18 2:54 AM, Rob Landry wrote:

> > The scripts worked perfectly from the command line, but not when 
> > called from Rivendell.

> > However, what I've just discovered is that the Bruins scripts are 
> > failing because they don't have permissions to access the serial port 
> > -- even though user 'scott' is in the dialout group and does have such 
> > permissions.

> > The obvious question is: what user is it running as? Since the scripts 
> > were working from the command line, 'scott' clearly had permissions to 
> > access the serial port.
> >
> > I vaguely recall having encountered this problem before.

 I have a vague recollection as well, but it's vague, and I'm old.

 It occurs to me, that the easiest way to discover what's happening,
 is to add into the script... ( so you know what the system thinks inside the 
script )
 printenv > script.log
 which will dump almost everything you'd want or need to know into that file
 as far as who the script runs as, and what that user is, and is not.

 Make sure that the group is right, on RHEL or CentOS 7 run
 sudo lid -g dialout >> script.log
 to get the known members of the dialout group.
 ( assuming sudo is set to allow. lid needs root privileges to work )

 Compare that output to the same command from the command line 
 where the script works as expected.


Grief is the Reminder that we Loved.
         And were Loved.
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