My clients had to purchase theirs; the Sourceforge versions didn't like Windows 7.

But that was a few years ago.


Я там, где ребята толковые,
Я там, где плакаты "Вперёд",
Где песни рабочие новые
Страна трудовая поёт.

On Mon, 19 Nov 2018, Alan Smith wrote:

That is pretty darn cool.  I might play around with it some one day.  Truth
is, I found VNC first though.

But, in digging around on the web about xming, 2 things stood out that
reinforce my use of vnc [and this is quite confusing and may be inaccurate]:

It looks like you can use the sourceforge versions legally for any purpose.

If you use the versions from the creators website [which has the Windows
binary installers], it is NOT under GPL, AND if you are a commercial entity
(we are), you must purchase licensing.
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