On Thu, 3 Jan 2019, David Henderson wrote:

This is a hypothetical question at the moment as I've not managed to get the "now and next" text working on my test set up and I haven't yet got round to actually setting this up, but let's assume I have 2 studios that can be used for broadcasting. Both will have a Rivendell client in the studio, connected to the same Rivendell server. There will also be a third client used to provide a sustaining service overnight or when there is no live DJ in the studio.

I have a client who alternates between Rivendell machines in two studios, both equipped for now/next.

He uses Spinitron, and has each machine set up so it can turn the now/next feed to Spinitron on or off. So, when Studio BC is live, it feeds now/next information to Spinitron; if Studio AC is in use for an offline project, its now/next feed is turned off. The on/off toggle is programmed into a Sound Panel button in each room, and can also be triggered by a macro in the log.

He has a third Rivendell machine at his transmitter site as an emergency backup. It does not feed Spinitron.


Я там, где ребята толковые,
Я там, где плакаты "Вперёд",
Где песни рабочие новые
Страна трудовая поёт.

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