I've been connecting to a remote stream using alsa for over 4 years now....
I put some scripts and instructions on my blog.... It required 3 soundcards
and a Patch cable from the green speaker output plug on soundcard 3 to the
blue line in socket on soundcard 1.

Its quite complex and I can explain more if required.
Many Thanks
Geoff Barkman
Dunedin New Zealand

On Mon, Apr 15, 2019 at 3:35 AM Ryan Kin <k1n9h...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I know that it's not 100% physically possible to take streams through
> RDAirplay, but you can do it with external software and RDCatch along with
> JACK. I'm not too JACK Savvy and was wondering how I can have JACK take a
> source through VLC then have VLC feed into JACK to go into RDAirplay's
> Source Take feature and have Rivendell's Macros load the source and VLC at
> the same time, then when it's done, have another Macros key kill the source.
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