On Thu, 10 Oct 2019 14:35:07 -0500
Tom Van Gorkom <tomvangor...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I would like to hear about other good setups as well since I plan to
> rebuild the servers in the next few months (still on CentOS 6.9). A lot of
> the decision depends on how big your operation is.

 We run client/server with full redundancy,
 Redundant servers, redundant clients, redundant remote viewers, and a
 "wayback" machine running RDCatch as record, and 168 hours later, playback.
 Redundant sound cards ( ASI livewire ) are in the redundant servers.

 Even wayback is redundant, with one on-site, and one off-site.
 The off site is configured in a way that while it has a full copy of the
 entire audio store, and the database current to within 24 hours, it can not
 "run" that database or audio store. It's strictly off-site backup, current
 to within less than 24 hours.

 None of this except replication is automatic !
 If it fails in a catastrophic way, that's a big enough deal I want
 everyone to know about it, so it gets tended to ASAP.
 Now, we also have redundant Cisco switches, even redundant CAT cable to
 each location, so no one item is permanently fatal.
 Each identified single point of failure has a redundant device, either hot
 or cold backup next to, above, or below it.
 Even in the event the building becomes a smoking hole in the ground, there
 is a full backup available, and 7 days to get it up and running.

 I once saw a RAID-5 fail, where the first disk had failed months prior,
 but because it automatically kept going, no one knew until it failed
 in a non-recoverable catastrophic way.


Grief is the Reminder that we Loved.
         And were Loved.
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