Speaking of displaying and editing markers, I am upgrading my test-
bed laptop where we try things out.  The older laptop is c.2011 and I'm
installing RD 3 on a new Lenovo S340.  Everything works fine with
Fred's install, but when I import the old database and attach the
external /var/snd drive, things go all haywire.  The old installation
is from Alban's 2.10.3 repository on Linux Mint 17.

  I'm not really IT proficient, but many of the setups after restoring
were different than Fred's, so I changed as many things as I could see,
to match his, and now most everything works--except I get the dreaded
'no peak data' error.  Audio still plays in edit marker mode, but no
audio display or markers available.  Logs play out perfectly with
proper segue transitions.

  Display and markers worked before I restored the old database; I
could see markers and the tone audio displayed correctly (although the
appliance is set to 48k, but it correctly recognizes my audio as 44.1k
and automatically changed the system to 44.1).  However, RDXport error
and 'no peak data'.

  DB schema updated from 242 to 311 successfully.

  What setup am I missing here?

--Chuck W.

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