
Hopefully Drew can help you out.  The big trick with Jack is that Jack
and all of the clients interacting with Jack need to be running as the
same user.  The Rivendell daemons on a standard setup run as root, so in
order for Jack to be able to see Rivendell when you have Rivendell start
jack, it'll start as root - the same user that the daemons run as.

The issue is when you're running your other Jack clients (BUTT, Darkice,
etc) they're probably being run as the logged in user, so they won't see
Jack running.

In the Rivendell Jack settings under RDAdmin --> Hosts --> Jack settings
there's the option to start up additional Jack clients.  This is what
you'll want to use to start your clients - that way Jack, Rivendell, and
all the clients will be started as the same user, and they should all be
able to see each other.

Then build a macro to create connections between all your jack

Lorne Tyndale

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [RDD] Jack connection how to needed
> From: Mike Cox <mike@rosetta.group>
> Date: Fri, January 10, 2020 8:41 am
> To: "rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org"
> <rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org>
> Hi all
> I'm having real problems trying to get my setup working with Jack. I've read 
> hundreds of "How to" posts and tried installing loads of different software 
> but I'm getting nowhere and could really do with some help. I have a fair bit 
> of experience with RD but used as an analogue output and not using Jack.
> I have installed RD 3.2 on a Centos 7 laptop. It works nicely and I've been 
> able to restore my database and audio onto the laptop from another machine.
> I've tried installing Ices, Butt and Darkice to use as a streamer so that I 
> can connect the output of RD to the input of the streamer using Jack. This is 
> the bit I cannot get to work.
> Apart from the difficulty of installing the various clients (missing 
> dependencies, failing to recognise Jack, etc), I cannot work out how to get 
> Jack to work between the devices. The Jack outputs now show in RD under Audio 
> Resources (24 inputs / 24 outputs). I can configure the outputs in RDAdmin 
> Configure > RDAirplay so that bit looks OK.
> Each time I try to install a streaming client I cannot work out how to get it 
> to stream from Jack as it keeps saying things like Jack is not running.
> Is there anybody who has produced a clear, step by step guide, to getting a 
> connection between RD -> Jack -> Darkice / Butt / Ices? I would really 
> appreciate some help as I've been working on this for two weeks and I'm 
> getting so frustrated.
> Thanks a lot.
> Mike
> --
> ________________________________
> Mike Cox
> Managing Director
> The Rosetta Group Ltd
> Email: mike@rosetta.group<mailto:mike@rosetta.group>
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> Phone: 01983 229 229
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