Hello all,

should I be able to pass metadata (expanded %t and %a in this test case) to
a bash script via a RN line in a macro cart?

RN /home/rduser/playvid.sh 700011 %t %a!

RN /home/rduser/playvid.sh 700020 Fixing_My_Brain Brad_Sucks!

In playvid.sh:

echo $0 $1 $2 $3 >> /tmp/passedparams.txt

In  /tmp/passedparams.txt:
/home/rduser/playvid.sh 700011 %t %a
/home/rduser/playvid.sh 700020 Fixing_My_Brain Brad_Sucks
/home/rduser/playvid.sh 700011 %t %a

The metadat is not being expanded. The Fixing_My_Brain Brad_Sucks is being
passed as indicated above but I cannot try passing like this:

RN /home/rduser/playvid.sh 700020 "Fixing My Brain" "Brad Sucks"!

as the entry box refuses to accept the quotes...

It would be nice if the metadata got expanded before sending on to the bash
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