
I may have a workaround for you. It is a bit involved but it seems to work.

(I hope I get this right.)

drag a cart into the pre-import cart area.
click / select Use hard start time.
change the play to segue just under that bit.
click save
click ok
Event properties in the "higher level" should show SEGUE, Timed(Start),

edit the event again.
unselect Use hard start time.
Delete the pre import cart.
click save
click ok
Event properties in the "higher level" should show PLAY, Scheduler

edit the event again.
the first cart has a Segue transition should be grayed out but it *should*
be Segue and not Play now.

click OK.

Generate a log.
You should see SEGUE transitions in the generated log...

all the best,


On Tue, Mar 3, 2020 at 6:33 PM Andy Cooper <> wrote:

> Hi Drew,
> It looks like you've understood and replicated my problem pretty well. The
> difference betweeen you examples and mine is that on yours the "first cart
> has a..." has segue greyed out and my "first cart has a..." has play greyed
> out.
> I tried setting imported carts to seg transition, working on your theory
> that the first cart is one of all the carts. But when I generated a log and
> checked it in RDAirPlay it was definitely generating events with play
> transitions.
> However, if I physically put a cart in the pre-imported cart section then
> generate the log, both the pre-imported cart and the music item generated
> somehow have a segue transition. The problem is I don't want the
> pre-imported cart showing up in the log every time I run the event, so it's
> not a viable work-around.
> Perhaps the answer is to scrap V3 and go back to V2? Do you think that
> would solve it?
> Thanks,
> Andy
> On Tue, 3 Mar 2020, 23:07 drew Roberts, <> wrote:
>> Andrew,
>> I don't know the answers but I did a little digging for you...
>> However, there is a chance that this is not a problem.
>> On Tue, Mar 3, 2020 at 4:20 PM Andrew Cooper <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi all. I'm new to the list and have been driven here out of
>>> desperation, in the hope that someone can help. I've used the old
>>> RRAbuntu live CD for years, but I've now taken the plunge to checkout
>>> Rivendell V3 on CentOS 7 because I'll be setting up a studio for a new
>>> online radio station in the summer and I wanted to try it out. However
>>> I've come up against a problem that I'm hoping someone can help with...
>>> When I open the Log Manager and try to create a new event I can't make
>>> it select music out of the library with a 'seg' transition, unless I set
>>> it to use a hard start time. About halfway down the screen for setting
>>> up the event is a line that says 'First cart has a PLAY transition',
>>> with play being in a box that I should be able to select.
>> Perhaps not. I know on older versions you could. I have a 2.10.2 on kvm3
>> and a 3.2.1 on kvm4...
>> Both the First cart has a: and Imported carts have a: can be accessed in
>> the older version but only the Imported carts have a: can be accessed in
>> the new.
>> However, semantics wise, technically, all carts are imported... So you
>> may be ok.
>> Have you tried it and seen if you get a segue for the first cart?
>>> However the
>>> box is always greyed out so I can't change it to 'SEGUE' instead of
>>> play. If I select the hard start time button at the top I can sometimes
>>> make it switch to segue on it's own, but I don't want a hard start time.
>>> What I'm trying to do is create an event for inserting one random music
>>> track from the library with a segue transition. I could do this with the
>>> old version packaged with RRAbuntu no problem. But in V3 I can't change
>>> 'first cart has a PLAY transition' and because the event only contains
>>> one cart, it means it's always a play transition!
>> I would not be too sure about that... Things *may* have changed. Either
>> wait for an official answer or run a sample and test yourself.
>>> I'm pretty sure it's either a bug keeping the box greyed out or there's
>>> something I'm missing in the settings somewhere.
>>> Any help would be much appreciated.
>> Now, here come some screenshots. This is a 2.x database updated to 3.x
>> (but not the same 2.x as I have here.)
>> rivsegueevents00.png
>> TZ1 is a newly created test event. Had the same issues creating as you
>> describe.
>> X is an old event. Looks like what you say you want. Shows a grayed out
>> Segue for inaccessible First cart has a: selection.
>> rivsegueevents01.png
>> Event X showing grayed out Segue mentioned.
>> rivsegueevents02.png
>> Event TZ1 shows a greyed out Segue after futzing around but note that
>> this disagrees with the display one level up.
>> rivsegueevents03.png
>> One level up again, showing event XX as well this time... XX was created
>> by opening event X and saving as XX. Note that XX and TZ1 show
>> PLAY,Scheduler at this level but check next screenshot.
>> rivsegueevents04.png
>> Back down a level for event XX. Note Segue, Segue which does not match
>> the level up.
>> Also note that it has changed the X under the and code which now shows
>> none instead of X. This may be a good thing... I did not create the event.
>> Not sure of the thinking behind requiring a scheduler code twice.
>>> Many thanks,
>>> Andy Cooper
>>> all the best,
>> drew
>> --
>> Enjoy the *Paradise Island Cam* playing
>> *Bahamian Or Nuttin* -

Enjoy the *Paradise Island Cam* playing
*Bahamian Or Nuttin* -
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