On Sun, 22 Mar 2020 09:58:12 -0400 (EDT)
Rob Landry <41001...@interpring.com> wrote:

> Debian is probably not going to be a viable option for Rivendell going 
> forward, I think. Oh, well; life goes on.

 Well, that's unfortunate !

 CentOS ( RHEL ) is heading in a direction that is SO reminiscent
 of WinNT4, that it scares me. ( today, Win10 appears to be doing
 a much, much better job than Red Hat, and it's copies )
 Debian has historically been a good OS, even though too frequently
 incompatible with itself, but nothing like CentOS ( RHEL ) ?

 I'd been considering for some time ( but hadn't yet pulled the trigger )
 moving back to Debian, so this is very distressing news.
 ( and not just for Rivendell, either ! )


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