
Is this only with ALSA, or have you also seen the same issue if you are
running audio through Jack?

Just wondering, I have not seen this issue myself.

I have run into issues with Apache taking time if for some reason
reverse DNS lookups are turned on.  Check your apache configuration and
maybe try adding:

HostnameLookups Off

Normally this should not be an issue as newer builds of apache default
to host name lookup being off, but if for some reason it is on this
could cause issues.

Also, make sure you've got a static IP address and set up your hosts
file with that IP and your host name.

Is /var/snd on a network share? Is it possible that there is latency on
that share?  This could cause delays in starting to play audio too.

Lorne Tyndale

> Hi Rich
> Le 30/11/2020 à 17:22, Rich Gattie a écrit :
> > Greetings list..
> >
> > I just upgraded the machine I have been running 2.x on to the latest 
> > v3 of Rivendell. After an annoying issue with the NIC and driver no 
> > longer in the distro of CentOS 7, I got the machine up and running as 
> > it was before with one small exception.
> >
> > While testing the main log, (I use Aux Log 1 for a 24/7 stream), I add 
> > a cart, hit START, then it takes about 5 seconds to start playing. 
> > Segues go smoothly between carts, no delay.
> > There was no issue like this with 2.19.x, and no hardware changes have 
> > been made to the machine.
> I've also hard time migrating a machine from 2.X to 3.X. My primary 
> tests on my dev machine were just fine, but when I tried on the target 
> machine, the CPU load was huge, and any operation took tens on 
> seconds... It looks like your issue.
> I've spotted caed taking 100% of a core, on the target machine, compared 
> to ~30% of a core on my dev machine. The memory was fine, IOs were quiet 
> too. Since then, I'm digging into the source code of caed (mostly in 
> cae_alsa.cpp) to try to understand where CPU cycles are vanishing. Using 
> valgrind profiler, the mostly called function is AlsaPlayCallback, but 
> this is quite obvious and not giving so many clues on what is time 
> consuming in there.
> Maybe you could verify you CPU load with the "top" oh "htop" commands in 
> a terminal in order to see if it points to caed also. What type of CPU 
> are you using ?
> Until I find a solution to keep caed CPU consumption low on my atom 
> machines, I was forced to use a bigger one instead (any old Intel 
> Core-i3 I has were just perfect)
> If anyone has an idea on why caed is taking so much on the CPU... I've 
> tried not to run rdvairplayd but it had no effect
> Best regards
> Florent
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