I'm not a linux power user but I have used Aman on Centos 7 / Riv 2.19 to
assign a master and slave between two Riv machines. You can switch them to
copy the DB and sync audio in either direction with a GUI interface. I have
not tested it with Riv 3.x yet, however. You can get the installation and
setup instructions on Github:  https://github.com/ElvishArtisan/aman

I set this up for an LPFM so he can do all the audio file imports and
editing on one machine and it will keep the onair slave up to date. If the
slave were to fail, he can simply use the master to go on air.

Tom Van Gorkom
Radio Esperanza Engineering, KRIO AM/FM, KOIR FM
Office: 956-380-8150
Cell: 865-803-7427

Director of Media
Rio Grande Bible Ministries
4300 S US Hwy 281
Edinburg, TX 78539

On Wed, May 26, 2021 at 3:53 AM Alejandro olivan Alvarez <
alejandro.olivan.alva...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi!
> I recently tested (and even had some issues that learnt hot to overcome)
> exactly what you're trying to do... I will try (I'm not an experienced
> Rivendell user, but quite an experienced Linux administration
> professional) give you the clues to achieve what you're looking for .
> Rivendell has a pair of 'modules' (GUI programs) that do what you want
> to do: RDSelect and RDMonitor ... so, here you can start googling on
> them, but, in a nutshell, RDSelect is a GUI 'switching' program that
> allows you to 'switch' your database/storage combo target, so, yo can
> switch from 'local' to 'remote', or 'master' to 'backup1' or 'backup1'
> etc...
> RDMonitor is a small floating app which tells you to which
> database/target combo are you currently connected to, and whether or not
> connection to the selected 'server' is successfull.
> The key for this to work is to switch from a default installation where
> you have a unique/single config file: /etc/rd.conf to a setup where you
> create a folder named /etc/rivendell.d where you can have as many
> 'switcheable/selectable' configurations as you want/need , for instance,
> /etc/rivendell.d/local-backup.conf and
> /etc/rivendell.d/remote-master.conf . In that scenario /etc/rd.conf
> becomes a soft link that switches to the selected/active
> /etc/rivendell.d/xxxxx.conf as requested.
> Rivendell will 'detect' the presence on /etc/rivendell.d folder of
> xxxx.conf files (rd.conf files), and RDSelect will automate the
> deletion/creation of an appropriate soft-link to /etc/rd.conf along with
> services restarting when you 'switch' from config to config.
> At this point, all you have to configure is, on every conf file within
> rivendell.d, the connection details to the database (that's where
> database connection details will differ from config to config, depending
> on wether the config is intended to target a remote database or a local
> database) and the filesystem mounting details into /var/snd... The parts
> of the .conf files that you have to 'play with' are the [mySQL] and
> [AudioStore] sections.
> The mySQL one was quite straightforward, the AudioStore one was a little
> more obscure to me: being a Debianist, I had to figure out that the
> storage switching process was handled through autofs (so I had to
> install it on Debian) but, from that point on, It was a matter of a
> little googling abut it (I had some issues, but got help on the list :-)
> Regarding your storage backup concerns... My advice as a Linux admin is
> to separate backup from High-availability concepts... both are
> necessary, but not the same... For example, I use as storage scenario a
> pair of DRBD + Keepalived clustered/HA servers for NFS storage, so I can
> survive loss of one server, while 'backup' is done with rsync to an
> external NAS. While for DB I use a MariaDB, three-node galera cluster
> for HA, so I can loss one server, while for backups I rsync sqldumps
> regularly to the external NAS.
> Hope I helped clarifying the picture... Best regards!
> On 5/26/21 2:32 AM, wa7skg wrote:
> > Not a lot of response last time.
> >
> > Just got a new studio built and going from a standalone to a
> > two-computer operation. The client-server instructions I received are
> > apparently for an older version of everything I have.
> >
> > Currently using CentOS7 and Rivendell 3.5. I have two computers
> > essentially the same. They are both on the same network. I need to
> > join them for a common audio library and database. I do want to have a
> > backup of the audio on the studio computer so everything can run from
> > there if I have to take the main machine down for any reason. I
> > suppose that can be done via a morning rsync cron job after all the
> > daily program downloads complete.
> >
> > Is there any document for setting up the client/server stuff? Like
> > mounting the library on the second computer and how to share the
> > database? And whatever else I need to do to get this to work.
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> >
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