On Jun 14, 2021, at 04:28, Alejandro olivan Alvarez 
<alejandro.olivan.alva...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Mmmm... I get the point... I have no experience on those devices, but I 
> understand what you're depicting is kinda hard situation to handle from a 
> sysadmin / programmer point of view... hopefully those things feature some 
> way to check their status on their own.
Most of them have some sort of external mechanism (physical or virtual) for 
ascertaining matrix state. Not all of them include that capability in the 
control API for third-party applications though.

The one big exception though is the ‘Local Audio Adapter’ driver (the very one 
that you’ve been attempting to troubleshoot), as that one exists as a purely 
internal Rivendell construct. Hmm…

> I'm aware that, although easy to say, implementing even a basic cli 
> capability of 'status report' on you internal audio routing/switcher daemon 
> (I guess caed?) would imply rather hard-to-implement features, such as some 
> kind of volatile or persistent storage on crosspoint status, levels, etc, 
> etc... all that on a very 'core' part of rivendell, and not of much help (if 
> any) on those 'autistic' devices.
What say we add some reporting to syslog for the ‘Local Audio Adapter’ driver, 
so one could at least get some feedback on what Rivendell thinks the state of 
the routing matrix is? It wouldn’t be terribly useful operationally, but could 
simply troubleshooting at least.

> It would be very nice but (let's dream! :-), in the future, to have some kind 
> of equivalent to the GPIOMonitor  but for the internal audio 
> routing/crosspoint (caed?) engine 
Very unlikely to happen in Rivendell, unfortunately. However, you might want to 
check out the ‘Drouter’ project, which provides exactly that. Rivendell has a 
switcher driver that will interface to it (’Software Authority Protocol’).


Currently limited to Livewire devices, but there is some talk of adding support 
for others.


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |             Chief Developer             |
|                           |             Paravel Systems             |
|         A room without books is like a body without a soul.         |
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|                                                         -- Cicero   |

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