On Feb 20, 2022, at 16:46, Rob Landry <41001...@interpring.com> wrote:

> I have connected SPDIF outputs to AES/EBU inputs and had them work; I've not 
> tried the other way around. I recall reading somewhere that the differences 
> between the two are essentially that AES/EBU is balanced and SPDIF is 
> unbalanced. The voltage levels are different too, I think.

The data header formats are different too. _Usually_, these differences can be 
ignored; although I have run across some gear (the old 360 Systems ‘Instant 
Replay’ unit comes to mind) where the AES3 input refuses to process any signal 
that doesn’t have the correct AES3 header. I don’t believe this should be a 
problem for ASI cards though.


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |             Chief Developer             |
|                           |             Paravel Systems             |
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|                                                         -- Cicero   |

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