On Tue, 2010-05-25 at 22:24 -0700, Duane Loftus wrote:
> On Wed, 2010-05-26 at 00:04 -0500, Mike McCarty wrote:
> > Duane Loftus wrote:
> > > 
> > > YEA!  Ta Da !  WooHoo!  
> > > 
> > > The re-install worked!  I have done --propupd and --update and run the
> > > first scan after making some mods in the rkhunter.conf file.
> > 
> > Congratulations!
> > 
> > > {Thank you all so very much.}
> > > 
> > > I am pretty sure I have a trojan or resident spoofer in there,
> > 
> > Why?
> I have 5 domains on the server.  One of the domains (which is a mirror
> of another domain that runs about 250 Meg / month) is running 5 times
> higher (1.2 Gig so far this month) in "email" traffic / bandwidth. Most
> of it is on the SMTP. It keeps exceeding the limits I have imposed.  I
> know the primary user (a retired Colonel and Investment Banker) and he's
> not sending out spam. However he gets a lot of "spoofed" mail using his
> address in lieu of the actual sender.
> It seems that there is something rotten in Denmark and on his domain.
> If I knew how to read logs properly and what to look for, I might be
> better able to resolve this ongoing issue.  So, I'm trying to learn.
> But at my age, learning is a bit slower than it was in the past.
> But I'll get there.
> > 
> > > especially on one of the domains that has bandwidth / traffic going thru
> > > the roof.  It will take some time and effort to learn the logs and what
> > > I can do about them.  I'll work at it.
> > > 
> > > Here is a section of my rkhunter.log.  What should I be doing about the
> > > "warning" items?
> > 
> > [...]
> > 
> > I didn't see anything particularly scary in there, unless you don't
> > intend to run those services, in which case I'd wonder how they got
> > enabled, and shut them down.
> > 
> > You might try tcpdump to get a handle on what kind of traffic
> > you are passing.
> > 
> > Mike
Responding to the last few messages, I am running SpamAssasin on the server in 
addition to this.  

But I wanted to install rkhunter for two reasons.
First, rootkits are problematic and I had no way of discovering them.
Rkhunter has a good reputation.

Second, the installation itself is part of my "learning experience" with
Linux.  As you could readily tell, I've a long way to go.

Oh, and third, you and your co-horts on this maillist have been terrific
and extremely helpful; to which I thank you.

Now, back to learning how to interpret and analyze the results.

And yes, Helmut, I'm part of the silver streak club.  But I try not to
let that get in the way!

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